Another well-written piece. At face value, I find this so intriguing. Oh, to be the proverbial fly on the inside of your skull Samuel, watching you think would be fascinating! :-)

I'm also processing this through a spiritual lens and can't help but think, "This is all by design." Not to suggest that Monod's words, "Nature is a bricoleur, a handyman, a tinkerer..." are wrong, but for me, it implies a lack of order or intention. I tend to think nature is the result of a master craftsman, designed with intentionality and purpose. In fact, it is perfectly crafted, with every element having its place and function. The dying of the leaves in the fall is the perfect setup for their renewal in the spring.

Just thinking out loud. As always, I appreciate your writings that make me think.

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Thanks so much for the kind words!

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